
Reflection on this class

Taking this class was very inspiring to me, in a way that it changed my aspect of writing. Before taking this class, I hated writing (especially english writing) because of last year's ELP, which I had to write academic writings. However, in this class, I didn't have to write academic writing, and I could write anything I want. For instance, I wrote about my favorite restaurants in kichijoji, and guide to the Disney sea which I really love. I never knew writing about something I love is such fun. I also enjoyed discussing topics such as "what is love" with classmates:)

My plan for next year

What I am planninng to do next year
I have some plans for next year. The biggest plan or goal is to run full marathon! As a step, I am planning to start running half marathon in January, and then 30km marathon in Febuary:) Another plan is to go to France next summer to study French. I am taking French class this year, and it is fun and I want to improve. During the stay, I am also planning to visit Belgium, which I used to live for6years. Other than that, I am planning to go for volunteer trip to somewhere(haven't decided yet), and Okinawa.
I just realized I have to work really hard and save money in order to make my plan work,,,:(

Also, I really hope that my shukatu is going to work well....!!!


my new job

I just started my new part time job at Tokyo Disney Sea.
I used to work in a restaurant in Disney Sea 3 months ago, but quitted it because I wanted to become a tour guide in the Disney Sea.
However, becoming a tourguide is the hardest job to get in as Disney cast, so I was so worried if i could get in or not.

But I got in and it started last weeeek!!
First of all, I was surprised by kindness of the members of the tourguide.
People there were kind, polite, fun, always with smile, and they were one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life.
I was stimulated by them, and would hopefully like to become like them by working with them.

Also, I was surprised by the amount of knowledge that I have to remember.
there are sooooo many things to remember, and I am worried if I can manage to do them all...:(
but with my love toward Disney, I hope I can manage to do them!!


what I love about Belgium

I used to live in Belgium for 6 years.
I lived there from when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school to 9th grade in middle school, so I spent much of my youth there.
What I love about Belgium is food and view of cities.

Food in Belgium were really good.
French fries which are called "Frites" in French, was originated in Belgium, and they eat it with mayo and ketchup. There are some shops that only sells "Frites", and these Frites were very potatoish and very good. Also, Belgium is famous for chocolate and they were really good as well.

Cities in Belgium were also beautiful. My house was surrounded by nature, close to a forest. So as for the walking with my dog, I went to a forest almost every day. Forests were very beautiful and you can meet deers and some other animals. Also, old architectures were beautiful. For instance "Grand Palace" in Brussels, which is said to be the most beautiful place in the world.


the year 2012

There are only 2 month until the year of 2013..
So I would like to write some reflections on the year 2012.

For the first 6 months of the year, I worked really hard on my part-time job.
As for my effort, I was able to step up the status from "worker in a curry restaurant" to "worker in a churos wagon and ice cream wagon".
I really enjoyed working there, but in June, I quitted the job since I wanted to try other job.

Also in the beginning of this year, I ran some marathon and enjoyed it very much.

After I quitted my job, I went to the United States for the first time in my life.
Also, I went to Yamagata to get driver license:)

In the club that I am joining, called Runners, the leaders and other responsible member changed from 14 to 15, and it became my grade's tern to become leaders. Because of that, our friendship became tighten, and I recently enjoy running much more than I used to.

Also, I am starting my new job as guidetour in Disney sea next week!!



I am not familiar with religion.
I believe that God exists, but I don't believe in any religion.
I think Japanese people are less religious compared to other cultures, and at the same time, I think that when we hear the word "religion", we also think of  karuto shu-kyo other than religions like christianity, buddhism, Isram. and because of the subway incident by "oumu-shinri kyo", we have negative image about religion.
In addition, probably because of that, I feel like talking about religion with people have been taboo.



I haven't decided what major I am going to take.
The most leading choice is MCC which stands for Media Communication and Culture, since I am interested in Interpreting and Cultural Studies.
However, I took this course called "introduction to business" this term, and it was very interesting.
So I started thinking of taking business as well...